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How did it all start?

Big Foot Outdoor Gear
is a local small business that provides canvas products for the outdoor industry.
I love camping, that is no secret. What do they always say, love what you do and you will never work a day in your life. This is very much true for me.

When camping I always try and find new ways to make life easy, fun, and organised. One day after or maybe during COVID I bought a machine and put it in the spare room in my house. I made the very first utility bag in that room. A few days later, more machines and no more space in the house, so we moved to the facilities that we are in now. When you love what you do, word of mouth will help your business grow.

And here we are, Trippie the Troopy, geared from head to toe in Big Foot Outdoor Gear, and me enjoying every second of my holiday.
Big Foot Oudoor Gear is a local small business, we make every product by hand, but what makes it special is our Multi Cut machine in the factory , every template is cut to precision.